Learning & Teaching
At St. Anne’s the curriculum is organised to ensure that each class participates in a two-hour literacy block and a one-hour numeracy block daily. The Humanities (History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship, Economics and Business), Science, Technologies and Capabilities are taught through termly units of study.
The units of study are a dynamic and engaging way for our children to develop knowledge about their world and develop the skills and competencies that will equip them for life in the 21st century.
These skills include:
Independent learning.
Co-operative learning.
Problem solving.
Creative thinking.
Critical thinking.
Planning, Analysis and Evaluation skills
At St Anne’s, teachers assess and monitor student growth, learning progress, and achievement against a Victorian curriculum framework and within the learning and teaching program. This ongoing assessment informs future teaching and provides summative assessment for reporting on student achievement.
Science of Learning
The curriculum at St Anne's is at the cutting edge of the latest education research. We are informed by the Science of Learning.
The Science of Learning research seeks to understand how students learn and the underlying cognitive, neural, and social processes involved in learning. It draws on insights from various disciplines such as psychology, neuroscience, education, computer science, linguistics, and sociology to uncover the mechanisms and principles that govern learning.
Key areas of study within the Science of Learning include:
Cognitive processes
Neuroscience of learning
Educational psychology:
Developmental psychology
Social and cultural factors
Technology and learning
Anchored by the Science of Learning, our programs are informed by the latest educational practices, curriculum design, instructional strategies, and the development of interventions to improve learning outcomes for our students.
The curriculum introduces core knowledge in Education in Faith, Literacy, Numeracy, Science, and Humanities, using an explicit instruction sequence to ensure students master foundational skills before advancing.
Informed by Cognitive Load Theory, lessons are broken down into manageable chunks, with scaffolding and immediate feedback. Teachers use spaced practice and interleaving to revisit these skills across different contexts, ensuring they are retained and transferable. Lessons include opportunities for reflection, where students discuss their learning processes, identify successful strategies, and set personal learning goals.
This curriculum is designed to be flexible, allowing for differentiation to meet the diverse needs of students while remaining grounded in the best practices identified by the Science of Learning research literature.

At St Anne’s, we have a firm belief that all students can reach their full potential in English through the use of explicit and systematic instruction. Drawing on the Science of Reading, our goal is to equip students with the skills necessary to master the English language in both the written and spoken form. Our students regularly exceed the expected standards and State NAPLAN mean in the English Domain.
Reading and Spelling
We utilise the Six Essential Components of Effective Instruction to focus on students' reading development. Our explicitly planned lessons target the growth of Oral Language, Phonological Awareness, Phonics, Vocabulary, Fluency, and Comprehension, ensuring that we meet the diverse needs of all students.
In Prep to Year Two, students engage in the Initial Lit program, which includes lessons designed to develop their reading and spelling skills. Meanwhile, students in Years Three to Six participate in SpellEx, where they further enhance the foundational skills learned in the early years.
Using evidence-based strategies, we plan engaging and authentic writing experiences for our students. All students participate in daily sentence-level writing activities that support them to craft sentences that are sophisticated and grammatically correct, before applying them to extended pieces.
Speaking and Listening
Throughout the day, children work in pairs, small groups and whole class settings where they are encouraged to contribute their valued thoughts and ideas, to develop their Speaking and Listening Skills.
Through structured experiences such as classroom show and share and school assemblies, children have the opportunity to showcase their learnings.

At St Anne’s, we believe that the study and application of Mathematics is fundamental to ensure that our students are equipped with the necessary skills to successfully take part in our contemporary society. Mathematics at St Anne’s is aligned with the Victorian Curriculum 2.0 and is organised into the strands of Number, Algebra, Measurement, Space, Statistics and Probability (from Year Three). Students are scheduled to participate in a structured and engaging mathematics lesson for an hour each day.
The students are exposed to a range of learning situations that develop their understanding, fluency, problem solving and reasoning skills in all Mathematics learning areas. We focus on developing the students' conceptual understanding of all concepts that we teach, while also covering the procedures necessary to implement their understanding. Students participate in a Daily Review, where we methodically expose them to previously taught content, to assist the retention of their learning. The staff at St Anne’s are dedicated using ongoing assessment to personalise their teaching and pedagogy to suit the needs of all students.
We endeavour to develop the problem-solving skills of all students through their undertaking of the Mathematics curriculum. The students are exposed to a range of situations in mathematics that allow them to think critically and solve problems logically.

Digital Technologies
The Digital Technologies curriculum enables students to become confident and creative developers of digital solutions. Students acquire a deep knowledge and understanding of digital systems, data and information, and the processes associated with creating digital products. This enables them to take up an active role in meeting current and future needs.
The students at St Anne’s participate in a one-hour weekly specialist class in Digital Technologies, as well as the embedding of the curriculum into other learning areas. The school has a Digital Technologies lab and students have a range of hardware to use including Chromebook computers and iPads. Our robotics program provides opportunities for the students to learn how to code using Beebots, Spheros, Ozobots, Dash & Dot and Lego WeDo kits. We also create a weekly “radio announcement” over our PA system to give our Year 6 students a special chance to experience recording using high quality sound equipment.
Our school uses Google for Education, which includes access to online programs such as Docs, Slides, Sheets, Drawings, Email, Classroom and Sites. Additionally, we regularly use video and sound recording software to learn skills associated with digital media. All of these tools allow the students to engage in specific ways of thinking about problems-solving and provide a means to learn how to use digital technologies to communicate with others, store data safely and create information products for a variety of audiences.

Performing Arts
Performing Arts at St Anne’s integrates music, drama, and dance into the curriculum. We provide opportunities for students to explore their creativity, develop confidence, and collaborate with peers. The program includes both structured lessons and opportunities for student-led projects and performances, fostering a well-rounded appreciation for the performing arts.
Sing, Play, Connect and Compose with Songs:
Students engage in singing songs from different genres and learn the elements of music in an engaging and creative way. Using their imagination, voices and percussion instruments, they create their own compositions in an age appropriate, fun way.
Many opportunities for performance occur throughout the year, which develop students’ confidence and skills and are highly attended by eager students.
School Choir:
The harmonious community of voices in the school choir is simply incredible! Students of all vocal abilities are welcomed to join as they explore the beauty of choral music. Under the guidance of our talented performing arts teacher, students learn vocal techniques, ensemble dynamics, and the joy of creating music together.
Students will feel the rhythm through our dance program! From folk dance to hip-hop, students explore a variety of dance styles and techniques while discovering the joy of movement.
At St Anne’s, we empower students to embrace their creativity and pursue their passions. We celebrate our Performing Arts program with a whole school production every 2 years.

Visual Arts
St Anne’s the Visual Arts Program is taught in line with the Victorian Curriculum and is implemented at all levels. The Visual Arts curriculum focuses on Creating and Making and Exploring and Responding.
Through our program students have the opportunity to express their knowledge, ideas and feelings in an individual and expressive way as well as responding to the artwork of others. Visual Arts encompasses both creation and art appreciation, in association with developing the language of Visual Arts.
We aim to develop a strong artistic sense of aesthetic appreciation, skills and technique and ranges of different media. Students are encouraged to share their thoughts, observations and feelings as they learn to explore their creativity and imagination, through a skills based program. This supports the process of art making and through modelling and explicit teaching students are given the opportunity to experiment with a variety of media including painting, textiles, printmaking, collage and construction.
Students develop their visual language and learn how to incorporate the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design in Art. The Elements of Art include colour, value, line, space, texture and shape. The Principles of Design consist of, rhythm and movement, pattern, proportion, emphasis, variety, unity and balance. Students explore traditional, contemporary and evolving visual conventions used in artworks of diverse styles and composition.
Students study various artworks of Australian and international artists that range from cultures and historical periods to inspire their own creation. This serves to enhance their own awareness of art appreciation.

Physical Education
At St Anne's, we run a comprehensive Physical Education and Sport program that aims to maximise student participation at all levels. We believe this program will foster a lifelong appreciation for movement, exercise and confidence in a range of sports and activities. The students at St Anne’s participate in a one-hour weekly specialist class in Physical Education.
In the early years, Physical Education is based on the development of fundamental skills (running, dodging, catching and throwing, kicking and body movement and control) while building a positive association with games and spatial awareness.
As students move into the middle and senior year levels of the school, the variety of sports and activities available to them significantly increases. Students and/or teams who excel at this level are also given the opportunity to further test their abilities through district, regional, state and national competitions in School Sport Victoria (SSV) programs in cross country, swimming, cross country, athletics and other sports where they individually excel.
Students compete in interschool and intraschool activities in weekly and term-based activities
Some of the sport and recreation programs offered at St Anne’s include:
Cross Country
Hooptime (Basketball)
Interschool sport - Summer and Winter
Hot Shots Tennis
Whole School Twilight Sports

At St Anne’s the students are immersed in the Italian language from Prep to Year 6. The students at St Anne’s participate in a 40-minute weekly specialist class in Italian.
Learning languages broadens students’ horizons about the personal, social and cultural opportunities that are available in an increasingly interconnected and interdependent world. Students acquire communication skills in Italian. They develop understanding about the role of language and culture in communication. The Italian language is introduced through immersion in culture. The students listen to stories, sing songs, perform plays and learn about significant Italian festivals and cuisine. As the students progress, the focus shifts to a greater emphasis on the acquisition of the Italian language.
Each year we celebrate our Italian program with an Italian Day where children come dressed in a costume, enjoy participating in special activities and a show that is capped off with a pizza and gelato lunch.
At St Anne’s we are fortunate to have a well-stocked school Library and Library Technician. The students have a Library lesson each week that consists of a Literature focus and time for the students to be guided in their individual reading choices. The students can borrow books each week to either take home or back to their classroom and are supported to choose books they both enjoy and are a good fit for their reading ability.
Students spend time getting to know the Library, including the various locations of different sorts of books including Picture Books, Junior Fiction, Senior Fiction, and Non-Fiction.
The Library is open at lunchtime each Thursday. This provides our students with an opportunity to have some quiet play including card and board games, lego, drawing or craft. Some students enjoy this opportunity to connect with different children away from the outside playground.

Intervention & Extension
St. Anne's offers comprehensive reading intervention programs designed to support students in developing their literacy skills through targeted instruction and individualised support.
MiniLit is a synthetic reading intervention program for junior students, aimed at building confidence and improving reading skills by teaching sound recognition, letter-sound links, and fluent word reading in small groups.
MacqLit is a synthetic reading intervention program for Years 3 to 6, offering small group instruction to help students improve their reading skills.
Extension is offered to individuals who are performing well above the expected curriculum in Mathematics and English.
Extra Curricular Activities

Whole School Masses
Class Masses
Sacramental Programs
Family Sacramental nights
Social Justice focus
Strong Parish Connections
Confirmation Reflection Day
First Eucharist Reflection Day
St Anne’s Feast Day - ‘Grandparents and Special Friends Day’

The Arts
School Choir
Visual Arts Show (biennial)
Performing Arts Concert (biennial)
Community Christmas Carols (annual)

School Captains
Community Outreach Captains and Leaders
Health and Physical Education Captains and Leaders
Arts Captains and Leaders
Citizenship Captains and Leaders
SRC Leaders

Excursions / incursions
Maths - English Assessment Competitions
Year 5/6 Camp Program
Speech Therapist
Piano / Guitar / Keyboard lessons

Individual District Trials in Football, Basketball, Cricket, Soccer, Basketball
Year 3-6 Hooptime Basketball
Year 3-6 St Anne’s Athletics Experience Day
District Athletics
Year 3-6 St Anne’s Cross Country
District Cross Country
District Swimming
Water Safety Day P-6
Whole School School Sports Day
Year 5/6 Summer Interschool Sports
Year 5/6 Winter Interschool Sports

Prep Transition Programs
Prep and Year 6 Buddy Program
Whole School Multi Age Program
Multi Age Activities
National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence
Restorative Practices