How to enrol
We pride ourselves on our inclusive and welcoming environment. As a Catholic, co-educational school, we cater to students from Prep to Year 6. Our school is open to all individuals seeking to be a part of our educational community. We extend a heartfelt welcome to families who desire their children to receive the benefits of a Catholic education.
Our main year of intake is in Prep, however, students are accepted into all year levels where vacancies exist. Class sizes vary in order to cater for all students and are capped at the discretion of the Principal.
Prep Enrolments
Children must turn 5 years of age by the 30th of April in the year they are commencing school.
Enrolment Application Forms should be accompanied by:
Immunisation Certificate
Birth Certificate
Baptismal Certificate
Places at Anne's are offered in accordance with the school’s enrolment policy
New Enrolments at Other Year Levels
Families are welcome to make an appointment to tour the school and meet with the Principal. Parents of new applicants are required to complete the Enrolment Application Form and attend a meeting with the principal.
School Tours & Enrolment Information
2025 School Tour Dates
Tuesday 18 February
Wednesday 26 February
Thursday 6 March
Wednesday 12 March
Tuesday 25 March
Wednesday 26 March
Wednesday 16 April
Tuesday 22 April
Wednesday 30 April

Does my child have to be baptised Catholic to enrol at St. Anne’s?/Do you have to be Catholic to join your school?You do not have to be a baptised Catholic to enrol your child at St Anne’s. St. Annes warmly welcomes all families seeking a Catholic education for their child, regardless of their religious background. While preference is given to baptised Catholic students residing in the local parish, we value diversity and invite families from neighbouring parishes to enrol. Active participation in the religious life and culture of our school is expected. Our aim is to serve the needs of all families within our community.
Do you have straight classes or composite?At St Anne’s we have 2 Prep classes, 3 Year 1/2 classes, 3 Year 3/4 classes and 3 Year 5/6 classes
What are the fees at St Anne’s?Please familiarise yourself with the School Fee tab located below at the enrolment page
Do we have to wait for an Open Day to tour the school?School Tours are a wonderful way to discover all that St Anne’s Primary School has to offer your family. Parents are welcome to contact the school to book a tour throughout the school term, please contact us on (03) 9876-1533. Tours are run by our School Principal. The tours will provide an overview of our curriculum, our specialist program, the importance of student wellbeing, as well as showcasing our amazing staff, students and engaged learning environments. We aim to make tours interactive and take time to answer personalised questions.
Which Secondary Schools do the students from St. Anne’s attend?Our Year 6 students typically gain a place in their first choice of secondary school. Some examples of Year 7 choices are: For boys: Whitefriars College Donvale. For girls: Our Lady of Sion College Box Hill, Sienna College Camberwell, and Catholic Ladies College Eltham. Aquinas College Ringwood is also a popular choice for those families wishing to send their child to a co-educational Catholic secondary school. Families sometimes choose local government secondary schools, depending on their suburb of residence.

School Fees

Buddy Program
St. Anne’s has a buddy program for Foundation children. The teachers will partner your child with an older student (Year 6). This is to help your child have a welcoming experience from the very beginning.
The buddy system also helps older children learn to take on responsibility. The younger children know that they have a fellow student they can go to for help. Buddy systems help your child make friends and create a sense of belonging within the school community.

Before & After School Care

MACSEYE is an approved provider, established by Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools to offer a high quality Outside Schools Hours Care (OSHC) service.
"We believe in providing a safe and inclusive environment where every child can thrive. Our dedicated educators will support your child to explore their interests and choose how they spend their play time.
Children can choose from a range of resources, including art and craft, games, and outdoor sports activities. We also have cozy, quiet spaces for anyone needing some down time. Thereʼs also always a range of healthy foods available to help kids stay energised, and active."
Download the flyer to view hours of operation and fees for 2025.
To attend care, you must register your child.
Contact parkorchardsoshc@macseye.vic.edu.au to register or to make further enquiries.

Book a Tour
To book a tour of the school or to request further information, please fill in the form below.
Click here to download our 2025 school tour flyer.
2025 School Tour Dates
Tuesday 18 February
Wednesday 26 February
Thursday 6 March
Wednesday 12 March
Tuesday 25 March
Wednesday 26 March
Wednesday 16 April
Tuesday 22 April
Wednesday 30 April